socials and events
We hold a number of socials and events that give members an opportunity to get to know each other, engage in friendly competition and enjoy some good food and conversation.

We have a number of tennis club socials over the course of the summer.
When the club officially opens for the season in the spring, we have our GRAND OPENING DAY. In addition to a fun Round Robin, we also hold our yearly MEMBERSHIP APPRECIATION BBQ lunch, which we prepare and serve free of charge to members.
We also have a number of dinner BBQs, usually paired with Round Robins, and usually held during the times that each of the summer tennis grand slams are in progress.
During the time that our yearly Club Championship Members' Tournament is in progress, we have several BBQ events for the participants of the tournament (free) and for families and spectators (nominal charge).
From time-to-time, we will also hold other themed social events "just for fun".
There is usually a nominal charge to cover the cost of these socials and sign up is in advance in CourtReserve.
wednesday night round robins
Every Wednesday evening, from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm, we have a round-robin that is open to all adult members. The level of play in these round-robins tends to range from intermediate to advanced.
Pairing for the round-robin is done randomly by the court captain before the event begins. Four courts are used for a 2-hour period. Three matches are played for 40 minutes each, or whichever team wins the set (the set is a regular 6-game set). In general, the winners move up a court, and the losers move down a court. Over time, there will be a “seeding” that becomes apparent, and the stronger players will start on Court 1 and weaker teams on Court 4.
We typically require at least 4 players to hold a scheduled round robin, but it's best if we get full participation at 16 members.
Sign up for these Round Robins at least 24 hours in advance through your MTC Court Reserve account.
club championship members' tournament
Towards the end of the summer, we have our annual Members' Tournament. We offer several categories to choose from, attempting to provide an opportunity for as many members to participate as possible.
This tournament usually runs 5-7 consecutive evenings, with the finals following on the weekend. The exact schedule is very weather dependent.
Joining one of the many instructional programs offered at the club is a great way to meet other members and find playing partners.
These programs are offered by Adamson’s Tennis Academy, and you can see the details and register at
For members who enjoy some friendly competition, we offer two LADDERS . . . one for Beginners and one for Intermediate/Advanced players.
Members of each ladder play against each other, working their way toward the top by challenging other players who are ranked similarly to themselves. If they win, they move up.
The beauty of a tennis ladder is that it allows players of similar ability to challenge one another and challenge better players as they improve and move up the rankings.
There is a $20.00 fee to participate in the ladder to cover the cost of the online tool that we use to manage ladder activity.
You can join our ladder system HERE.